Master-Class 2020 Cancelled

Once again in the spirit of health and sincerity, we must cancel the 2020 Master Class with Toni Vargas.

After discussion with Mestre Pedro of Grupo Senzala in the UK, we agree the only correct path is to cancel the Master-Class this year.

International travel is still extremely difficult and Brazil is still experiencing major issues with the pandemic. In order to ensure the safety and health of our guests, we must consider all the possible issues that might arise from travelling to Hong Kong from Rio de Janeiro to participate in the Master-Class.

At this time on the Hong Kong side it’s still unsure if visitors are allowed to enter Hong Kong and if they can it’s definitely sure they would have to endure a 14 days quarantine on arrival.

It would be inappropriate to ask any guest to go through these stresses, especially when travelling as far as from RJ to HK.

We hope that our community can continue to maintain good habits that will help our region get back to normal function soon and we can go back to playing the game we all love.